Good Stuff for YOU

Monday, December 31, 2012

Tasting Never Blog Hop!

Another blog hop - and I'm excited about this one!

Author CM Stunich has come up with another winner - Tasting Never!  Now, I won't give away details here - for that, you'll have to visit HER blog, link HERE - but her writing is VIVID, it's ALIVE - you want to jump in and get alongside the characters!

So - if YOU want to win all sorts of cool stuff - YES WINNING STUFF IS COOL! - then click on the NEXT link (below) and you'll get lots and lots of chances to do so!



  1. Hi Adam,
    New follower but love your work and CM Stunich's. For anyone that visits today, and is wondering, should I buy this book? The answer is a huge YES, you should. It is absolutely heart wrenching, emotional, and raw. Never and Ty will capture your heart and "never" (get it?) let go. If you do not believe me, go read the reviews on Amazon. I am finishing my second novel by this "new" author (to me) and it is great also. You do not want to pass by her work.

    Thanks for the great feature!

  2. oh boy, Im so excited!!
    CM, congrats on your book.
